August (Tudor Stefan) wanders through an endless forest
Here is the first official look at 'Reboot,' a short film from writer-director Nathan Gomez.

A brief moment of remorse expressed by August (Tudor Stefan)
Gomez: It's important to me to not reveal too much of the film, so there isn't a lot I can say about the story. What I can say however, is that the images you see here offer a little sneak peek at what's in store for August and April (Tudor Stefan and Alicia Ivory) and the situation they're in.

April (Alicia Ivory) treads lightly as August (Tudor Stefan) gets closer to the truth
Gomez: Beyond that, I'm so happy to finally show off all the hard work everyone put into this little film.
'Reboot' follows artificial intelligence, August (Tudor Stefan) on a journey of self-identity while studying the human experience through film, all with the help of testing examiner April (Alicia Ivory).